Change Making Educators

Calls now open for Erasmus+ KA1 support at

More information at your national agency

Next edition: 12nd to 16th of October 2020

See what to expect in the video!


The course is organised in sequential sessions at progressive outcomes towards the empowerment of the participants to implement educational actions in their context. The objective is to apply innovation methods and tools in schools, training centers and other educational and community organisations.

Each day focus on special tools while participants go deeper into their own project. Sessions are hands-on and action based, using the following path:


Topics addressed

-    Demystify the common senses of Learning, Innovation, Community Development
-    Recognition of self-power to face the risk-society/societal challenges and gain sustainable development
-    The potential of informal and non-formal educational actions to create change for the world
-    Big challenges but, addressed by small and simple practices
-    Design for action: prototyping and testing projects to take away

Fee: 970,00 Euro, including accommodation and meals - See options for GRANTS below.
Duration: 5 days.

See our leaflet here.


12nd to 16th October 2020
or suggest us a week for your group!


As an individual, you can register by filling the form here and wait for further information in your inbox.
As an organisation that intends to apply for an Erasmus+ grant, please follow the instructions in the section How to apply.

Submit you application for staff mobility (KA1) according to your ERASMUS+ national agency. We support your organization in the needs analysis and preparation of the mobility.

The working language is English. In the case that the participants are not skilled to work in English, we can provide an English course in the week before the course. Contact us for further information.

Venue and Travel Advice

The workshop will happen in an informal climate, including outdoor (beach, garden, streets) and indoor sessions. The hosting city - Figueira da Foz – is a small sea-side municipality, easily connected by public transports from the airports of Lisbon and Porto.


Day 1
Introduction to the work programme and deliver of work materials – participant KIT.
LEARN IT session – “Recognition of self-power to generate Change”
REFLECT IT session – Writing down the ways oneself identifies own potential.
SHARE IT session – Outdoor activity in whole group: sharing own achievements of the day, valorisation of others’ achievements, feedback to organisers.

Day 2
POST IT session – Activity in small groups: create a publicity poster to engage their communities on education for development. Posters will stand in the room wall; slogans will be posted in Facebook group account.
LEARN IT session – “Myths and Truths on Educational Innovation” – Lecture.
DO IT session – Outdoor activity called “Watch your street”, focusing on finding opportunities to educate.
REFLECT IT session – Writing down found opportunities in the “street”.
Cultural activity.

Day 3
SHARE IT session– Whole group activity with a guest who represents a local good practice. Exchange of perspectives, critics and development of new ideas.
POST IT session- Small group activity: write a “press-release” about the learned good practice. A selected text will be sent to the local/regional/national media. All the texts will stand in the room wall.
LEARN IT session- “Designing for Educational Innovation”. Participants will learn about social designing: inspiration, ideation and implementation by prototyping and testing.
REFLECT IT session – participants get a personal design kit and shall “sleep on” the learning of the day.

Day 4
DO IT sessions – My “Take away Project”.
Individual activity focused on applying Design Thinking to create simple and easy, informal or non-formal educational action for Sustainable Development which are applicable in their home/organisational contexts.
SHARE IT – Peer-review activity to appreciate, criticize, improve and validate single projects.
Social programme - Celebration of accomplishments.

Day 5
POST IT – Evaluation of the workshop. Group dynamics and questionnaire.
Write a “closing statement” and publish it in the Facebook group wall.
Backwards overview of the workshop in the wall.
End of the programme.


As an individual, you can register by filling the form here and wait for further information in your inbox.
As an organisation that intends to apply for an ERAMUS+ grants, please follow the instructions in the section How to apply.